#47 Music, Culture and Tradition - Omar Torres-Kortright

Episode 47 welcomes Omar Torres-Kortright who is a heavily involved Boricua now based in Chicago. Omar is Executive Director of the Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center and founder/CEO of Aguzate. Conversation includes:

  • Passion for the culture and Afro-Latino music
  • His path to becoming director of the cultural center
  • Old School Salsa of hi documentary of Chamaco Ramirez

Documentary Title: Alive & Kicking - La Historia de Chamaco Ramirez

Support Omar Torres-Kortright at the following links:
SegundoRuizBelvis.org - Aguzate

Hosted by Christian, Vfig,  Nati
Twitter/IG/FB: @LaVerdadLtd

Music Credit: Elias O. Sepulveda (Programming, Percussion, Piano, Bass) & Gilbert Arzuaga (Saxophones)